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Radical Joy Kit

Radical Joy Kit

Regular price $37.54 CAD
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Announcing our latest Kit for 2025, Radical Joy.

Sometimes it seems that so many believe that happiness is something that is found outside of ourselves. But, we see makers creating new things every single day—bringing joy and delight to the world. We hear stories from you about how making is what gives your life purpose and fulfills you in a way that other external things cannot (we know that’s the case for us here at Allegory Gallery). We watch you all taking components that we supply and turning them into things that have never existed before. That’s a radical idea—that in a world and timeline that has existed for so long, you can create something that has never been before, and so many of you do that every single day. We are renegades and radicals sitting at our tables or desks or benches daring to make our own happiness and bringing newness and never-has-been-before into the world. 

We’ve created Radical Joy for those who know that these things are possible—or for those who don’t know yet, but wish them to be. It’s a kit filled with vibrant colors and rich tones. It’s for those who know that play and serious design work can be one and the same—and for us who make a life of designing, they often are. 

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